Thursday 24 February 2011

Daya thussu - Journalism in a digitized and a globalised media world.

Digitization is equal to Americanization he explained this concept by telling all the media channels and Hollywood which is fully of imported and inspired programming  and the  pioneer in various sections are headed by Americans which gives us a clear example of globalization.
All local transnational channels are now emerging at a rapid pace through globalization for example al jazeera English which is been in the top in recent years.
Globalization needs research; he told this by citing examples of Nicola maichevelli (1469-1527) prince of Macedonia who was a great politician and   chanakya  a  political expert  from india during monarchy period
He praised gandhi by telling him as greatest journalist in the worlds as his writing in the paper harijan is widely appreciated. 
He compared india and china in the sector of media  he said emerging ecmonomies like nidia and china are growing rapidly  even in the media as both produce abundant number of movies and also the leader in newspapers he said india stands next to china in selling newspapers
He concluded by saying that there are still some untapped markets which are yet to emerge in the future .

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